´´The culture of a country or a civilization can be judged by how it treats its animals´´
(Mahatma Gandhi)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hello my friends this time I will project to a happy future and will tell you about my dream job.
My ideal job would be to do research in the recent line of animal genetic and trying to improve gene therapy in animals. For those who ignore the topic , this is a branch of medicine created about 10 years ago . The main objetive of the gene therapy is to cure hereditary and some acquired disease like Diabetes , Muscular Distrofia and also blidness by the introduction of healthy genes throught carriers ( that generally are virus ) in the target cells ( cell that have the faulty gene which expression create molecular disorders which together origin the disease) , this is a very dangerous practice because the virus do not always reach their objetive .
So far this line of investigation has had a great advance in human medicine ( see memories of the future , a very good serie of the BBC) but this has not been implemented directly on animals , wich would solve serious hereditary problems experienced by some pets , especially in purebreeds (remember the last video ).
Unfortunately for ethical and technological problems actually gene therapy could only act on body cells and not in germs cells , this mean that the disease can be cure individually but you can not prevent that this disease passed on to future generations .
About work , I think when someone do what he really likes , feels passion for the topic , and also he helps to crate a better world no matters hours or money